We were both rather unimpressed.
I had to learn to walk, and to want to play, but even so it was settled {and obvious} very early on: God had picked us out to be the best of friends. Since then, simply, we have been. Dear readers, meet Mikaela. Book addict, music teacher, fabulous bread-maker, and veritable source of knowledge on just about any subject her life touches (seems that way to me, at least) ~ she co-blogs with Lauren at One Bright Corner. Her writing and insights are always a blessing to me, as I hope they are to you, today. Meet Mika!
"Mikaela, I heard the most amazing song at the conference in Texas!" Mama told me shortly after she had flown home. I couldn't have been more than twelve, and I don't remember anything she relayed to me about the content of the conference - except the amazing song she had heard. She ordered the music and a CD of it right away, and our family heard "The Blessing Song" by Dennis Jernigan for the first time.
May the Lord answer you in the day of your trouble;
May the name of the Lord be your strong mighty tower.
May He grant you your heart's deepest dreams and desires;
May He answer you each time you call.
Several years later, the young people of my church learned this song. We practiced and prepared. We knew the words, the melodies, the harmonies. Nevertheless, the spirit of the song I didn't understand until we were there on stage singing for 100 people. And suddenly, I was overwhelmed as I sang out a blessing with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to my brothers and sisters in Christ. There was nary a dry eye in the church - and the Holy Spirit was moving.
May He pour out the blessing of heaven;
May you cast your cares on Him and daily fall.
May you live to see your children's children;
May the Lord Jesus be your All in All.
As a family, we sang "The Blessing Song" for Mama on her 40th birthday and for Grandpa on his 70th birthday. Imperfect voices, earnestly voicing every word.
May the Lord Jesus Christ satisfy beyond all measure;
May His Word light your path; may His peace guard your heart.
May your days be filled with gladness, joy and peace through any sadness;
Filled with love that will not depart.
Then, in 2011, we huddled together in a hospital room. Bobcha was dying, and we were saying our good-byes, knowing that after we left and drove the 360 miles separating our home from her hospital, that we would never see her again on this earth. So we sang a blessing to her. We broke and we cried - we hardly made it through - but we sang those words so familiar to us by now.
May your strength be renewed like the eagle;
As you run the race may joy flood every part.
May your memories all be sweet in each parting;
May the peace of Christ rule in your heart.
Last year, our family went through many trials. And suddenly, in God's sovereign plan, Mama was in Georgia preparing for surgery, and the six of us kids were home. Praying. Wishing we could be there to hold her hand. Worrying. Wishing we could be there to kiss her before she went in to surgery. Praying. And wishing some more. So, the night before her surgery, we sat down and recorded ourselves singing "The Blessing Song" with honest, raw tears streaming down our faces and sent the video to Mama. We were singing about life and joy and God's mercies and goodness when we were verily in the midst of trouble, pain, and hardship.
May His Word be to you health and life, joy and treasure;
May your home be a light; may the Lord guard your ways.
May the Lord be your shepherd;
May His goodness and mercy follow after you all your days!
Many of these words are taken directly from Scripture (such as Psalm 20), but they're no magic incantation. This is no blessing of prosperity and ease. This is the blessing of martyrdom and family and most of all communion with God Almighty that triumphs over any weakness, desperate circumstance, or real-life nightmare. This is the power of blessing someone in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
May His mercies be new every morning;
May His grace and Holy Spirit help you stand.
May you live your life to die for the gospel;
May you hold to His unchanging hand!
Have you given a blessing to someone? Through song, words, or prayer? Bless and be blessed, for the giver of the blessing is just as blessed as the recipient.
May the Lord answer you in the day of your trouble;
May the name of the Lord be your strong and mighty tower.
may He grand you your heart's deepest dreams and desires;
May He answer each time you call.
May He answer each time you call.
This sounds like a very powerful song! I'm going to listen to it and possibly learn it! How neat! Thanks for sharing!
What a blessing, Mikaela. Thanks for sharing this song.
Thank you so much for sharing this song and how it has impacted your life. I was very blessed by it, and hope to learrn the song to sing:)
Thanks ladies! I hope your experiences singing the song to others are as rich, memorable, and blessed as mine have been!
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