Monday, May 6, 2013

Make-It Monday: A Birthday!


Gracious, what a whirlwind life is right now! Because planning the studio recital, choosing/arranging music for students over the summer, making packing lists, clothing shopping, "just-because" jaunts to Seattle, summer kick-off parties, normal teaching schedules, working, sewing a gown for my sis (another make-it monday! ;), scouring the internet for a good price on return tickets from Glasgow, nailing down final details for travel once across the pond, practicing and rehearsing to accompany a friend, Mother's Day, and trying to keep my room in a semi-sane state isn't enough for the month of May, we also have birthdays! There are moments when I feel a little overwhelmed.

the Twinkles cut camellias & placed them at each spot.
However, we were able to effectively put all that craziness on hold Saturday, as we took a day to celebrate Mama's birthday! While Mumsie and Dad typically celebrate by going to the beach for the day, this year they stayed local ~ even though they were still out 'til evening. We were able to clean the house, decorate, set a formal table (for the high-class Costco pizza the parents brought home), and try out a new cake recipe!
When I asked Mumsie what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday, her response was, "Oh...lemon would be good..." (wait a minute, I have lemon cake on my birthday), "...or lime..." (I've never even heard of a lime cake...maybe key lime pie, but..) "...or orange..." Finally the decision was "Something citrus-y." What's a girl to do but google "Citrus Cake Recipe"? Oh boy, did Google come through for me.

The cake is a delicious, moist, butter cake, with grated lemon & orange zest...

Filling? Some killer lemon curd!

Frost with some delicious orange-flavored frosting...
I promise, I finished frosting it the whole way, this was just when Emmy took the picture :)
And garnish with orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit slices:
Oh! and mint (which you may have to run to the store and purchase, if forgotten)
Check out the recipe here. It will certainly be found in our kitchen again!
Hooray! The birthday girl! :)
Have a Yummy Monday! :)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That is a beautiful cake! And I think you need to cram something else into your month, darling.(-; You don't want to get bored, you know!