Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
This is a day that just makes me all happy-skippy inside, and a day that makes me want to cry. A day where I can’t help smiling and feeling a bubbly excitement (that often turns into a laugh and a twirl), and a day that makes me sad in some deep-down place. Why? Well, the reasons are numerous.
I love this day because I’m part Irish, and, in case it wasn’t obvious from the blog title, "Irish word of the day" widget, and profile ramblings, I’m proud of it!I love this day because my family goes a little over-board, and has fun with celebrating! Green waffles, Ireland shirts, Celtic fiddle music, "Poor Paddy Works on the Railway," corned beef with cole-cannon for dinner - yes, it’s a true day of celebration!
I love this day because, at some point (I think we’re doing it tonight), I get to sit down with the Littles and watch St. Patrick's story with ‘Lutfie’s Fanciful Flannel Graph’ from whichever-veggie-tales-episode-it-is, and laugh at the quote "no soccer balls in church!"
But this day makes me sad because, on this day, we remember the reason anyone knows of a ‘St. Patrick’. We remember one man’s burden for the spiritual depravity so prevalent in the people of the Emerald Isle. I was doing some research this morning on Ireland's spiritual state and the results were quite sobering. *Did you know that 87.4% of the Irish peoples are Roman Catholic? Of the puny 12.6% left, 2.9% is the Church of Ireland (essentially Anglican) and only 1.9% is "other Christian" - an ambiguous title I find disheartening.
Join me in beginning a new St. Patrick’s Day tradition. Among your green décor and clothing, amidst your Celtic songs and tunes, between your meals of unique coloring or culture, will you pray for Ireland?
Yes, I'll pray!
Thank you, Sarah, for such a good post. Yes, I will join you in praying for the spiritual state of Ireland.
Hi Sarah, you asked on my blog is Scottish Gaelic the same as Irish Gaelic? Well, yes kind of. Written down they do look very similar, and in the past they would have been more so, but our pronounciations are different.
A quick example, the Gaelic for 'how are you?' is 'Ciamar a tha thu?' In Scots Gaelic we would pronounce this 'Cimar a ha oo?' and in Irish Gaelic they would say 'Cee-am-ar a ta too'.
Scots Gaelic tends to be softer sounding.
Thanks for asking!
Oh, and Red Nose Day is a bi-annual nationwide fundraiser, raising money for those in need in the UK and Africa.
Sarah, I think this is by far the best 'St Patrick Day' post I saw all week...
Yes, that country needs prayer - as does our own. As a 'true blue' I find the whole 'St Patrick Day' celebration ....er, well, let's just say I wasn't wearing any green!
Sadly (mostly pre-9/11), St Patrick's Day parades in the US (New York especially) were huge fundraising events for the IRA. Having had terrorists attack the US, the American people thought longer and harder about funding terrorists, but our nation had decades of horrendous killings.
(Don't mean to become too political, but these things are worth knowing. Thank you for having some understanding of them) x
Mika and Ruthie, thank you!
Kirsteen, thanks for answering all my questions...hope they weren't too annoying! :)
Homeschool on the Croft, Thanks for your comment! I didn't know that about funding for St. Patrick's Day parades - very sad! I appreciate you telling me...I'm pretty uninformed about all those details, but hope to become more so (informed, that is) in the future.
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