
Sunday, August 26, 2012

All About 'Cha - Part II

-yellow- flower at the backyard
Photo Credit
Hello, dears! Long time, no see! I'm finally home from an amazing week-and-a-half of vacation, and have been spun around to start planning for one of the bestest weekends of the year: Family Camp! A couple of us had a planning session with Pastor just this surprises that it's gonna be another rad Labor Day Weekend!!

So, at some point I'll let you all see pictures and hear about the family vacation.

Not because you are dying to hear all about it, but because this blog doubles - er, triples - as a journal and scrapbook for me (as well as, you know, a letter to you guys every now and then).

HOWEVER, in a desire to have no loose ends flapping around here, I'm first going to finish up Miss Jo's wonderful blog tag, and call a few more of you to join the fun!

Here goes Part II:

1. Cherries or blueberries?
Blueberries! Cherries are fine - I love all sorts of fresh fruit - but you'd definitely see me making a bee-line for those delicious, pit-less, blue bundles of yummy.

2. Vanilla or chocolate?
Ice cream - vanilla.
Everything else - chocolate.
The ice cream can have chocolate syrup on it.

follow it
Photo Credit

3. What is your favorite song?
This question is just wrong. A favorite song? Really? Can't do it. I was just listening to Michael Card, so I'll say "God's Own Fool", but...I like a lot of other songs, too.

4. What is your favorite activity?
*Hears Brian Regan's "Is this a good activity??"*

I like reading. I like playing music. And listening to music. Talking. I like friends. Shopping. I like clothes. And antiques. And jewelry. And... Dancing. I like dancing. Baking. I like food....

Seriously. Who has a "FAVORITE, above-all-else" activity?

5. Have you ever left the country you live in?
Twice! (How spoiled am I??) When I turned 15 I got to go to upstate NY w/daddy, and we went over to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. When I was...16 I think...I got to go to England with my aunt. London, Oxford, and Bath, for anyone who's wondering. Walked the fav walk of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Dressed in Regency attire for a JA festival in Bath. Walked along the Thames at midnight. Went to an Agatha Christie play. Shopped some amazing outdoor London markets.

...sorry, where were we?

6. What is on the floor of your closet right now?
If I listed everything, you'd get bored. And maybe disgusted by the sheer amount. So, briefly: shoes, shoe boxes for OCC, two boxes of books ('cause I'm out of book case room), yarn, a stool, a roll of brown paper, and, *ahem* plenty more.

7. What did you do last night?
I really like this question. Not because I have an amazing answer, but just because it's fun and kind of unique.
We (as in, the quartet) played lobby music for the "Royal Rosarians' [long story - don't ask] Knighting Ceremony" and went to Carls Jr for french fries (thanks, Ben!). Later, I visited with friends, showered, and read Little Dorrit. :)

8. What are you most afraid of?
I don't know. I'm not really afraid of much. Becoming numb to the Holy Spirit. Change - loosing touch with people I love.

9. If you had the option, would you choose a fun drink or an edible snack?
Fun drink. Love yummy drinks. 'specially fruit-flavored ones.

10. What is your favorite day of the week?
Wednesday. It's my day where I have no obligations - I go over to Grandma and Grandpa's to craft w/Grandma. Also, it's the middle of the week! If it's been a bad week, I only have two more days to live through, if it's a good week...every day is my favorite! :)

Photo Credit

11. What is your favorite breed of dog?
I don't...really know dog breeds. I like bigger dogs that don't smell. :p

12. What is your favorite genre of literature?
Hmm...that's a toughy. Historical fiction, anything C.S. Lewis (he wrote several different genres), fairy tales (unashamedly), history shtuff, and any genre with interesting information in it (as opposed to...boring information).

13. Diamonds or pearls?
Pearls, I think. Although, I have a lovely ring, and pair of earrings (both from my dad) with tiny diamonds which I love. Mostly, I don't like big and chunky of either. :)

14. What is your favorite type of flower?
I love flowers. All flowers. I suppose if I was pressed into choosing, I would choose pink roses.

Six Mile Beach - Port Hedland
Photo Credit

15. What is an item on your bucket list?
Hehehe - I didn't keep one for a while, but I'm beginning to think I should! One thing: bonfire on the beach, 'til long after dark, singing and talking with good friends.

And now it's time to share the fun! For this set of questions, I'm tagging:

Miss Kaytra from Scraps of Reality (when, of course, you get your life back :p)
Miss Lauren from One Bright Corner
Lady Kirsteen from Life in My House Full of Boys

Can't wait to hear All About 'Cha! :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Watch-It Wednesday: Bored Driver

It's vacation week at the Coder household. First part of the week has been a "staycation" - we've gone hiking, to the beach, played games, watched movies, read books...but those pix and stories will come later. Tomorrow is preparation day. We'll be cleaning, shopping, and packing for a nice long drive down to California, split into two days. By Saturday night we just might be...

...bored drivers. :p Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Watch-It Wednesday: How Majestic is Your Name

Back in May, all of us girls were spoiled with a chance to get away to the beach for a weekend. We spent several relaxing days eating snacks, walking the beach, reading books, and watching chick flicks (ok...and the last 20 minutes of a Star Wars. Ya know the one where Yoda of the bad guys? Yeah, the twins got a kick out of the flying little green guy). I barely posted about it, but Emmy put up a few pix here. ANYway, the last weekend in July, the guys took off for their weekend away. Destination? Yellowstone Park. They drove 12 hours to get there on Friday, spent Saturday and Sunday marvelling at what the Lord has made, and booked it back in another 12 hours on Monday. They were all simply amazed at all they saw in those two days alone, and excitedly showed us a slide show of some of the pictures/videos they took while there. All they could say the whole 13 minutes was "And it's so much more amazing in person! These pictures do not do it credit!"

As I was reading one of my favorite Psalms today (Psalm 8), I was reminded of Keith Green's wonderful musical rendition of the psalm, and was about to share it with you when I remembered Benj used it as one of the songs for the slide show - and I thought it very fitting to show ya'll. It is amazing to me, this world our King has created! Included in the pix are Old Faithful, the The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, and much, much more! Enjoy!

"Oh LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth."